Have you ever compared numbers for calories burned, power output and even elevation ridden for a Zwift ride uploaded to Strava? And besides, my main goal on Zwift is to not get dropped in the hills during Team Cryo-Gens more hardcore Saturday rides! Have you considered drinking during a race? Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. It is obviously a stupid thing ( weight doping) and why a rider would do this is beyond me but pride and quasi Strava bragging or Zwift Power bragging is a thing. I have climbed well and I have suffered on climbs but also sprinted well. https://zwiftpower.com/profile.php?z=697996. Im the opposite. My solution would make everyones chances equal, while yours would strongly favor heavy riders. I dont care anyway. If they keep riders from competing in categories below their ranking, it will reduce the number of sandbaggers and cruisers. Best Zwift setups: Indoor cycling setups to give you the competitive edge. IfRead more . Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviours, we also hear the concerns of the racing community. EZ and self regulating. Zwift can wipe your Zwift Power profile and give you a clean slate to start over if you want, but I think you will lose all past data. Response to our post as well as Zwifts own post in their forum were resoundingly negative from members of the Zwift racing community. But I also did it because I knew it was great practice! A good rule we follow is to take our FTP divide it by 3 and then put that in as our weight (in Kilograms). 2022 Race Like A Pro. Ive done multiple races where my main goal was to keep the watts as low as possible while hanging with the front group. In real life, Id dust that guy. Share your thoughts below! And as well as your race results, you can check your distance ridden, total metres climbed, power peaks from one second up to 75 minutes, and more besides. If you're on Zwift and planning to get racing, then signing up to the third-party app ZwiftPower (opens in new tab) is an essential step. nothing more. Bikecalculator suggests not Go to http://bikecalculator.com/ enter an 85kg rider, riding on the drops for 16.2kms (ie an ITT) leaving all else unchanged. Note how he wins races while his max HR is around 30 beats below his maximum. I dont think any of my shorter (under 5ft10) running or cycling friends weights more than that. I havent even used my road bike outdoors since 2012. We mentioned categories earlier as one of the ways in which you can search through your results and statistics, but they're also a method by which you get sorted into races. Thats why there are no top 40 Cat C riders in 70-75Kg range. We check over 250 million products every day for the best prices. If I feel happy in my body thats the most important thing for me, and why I rarely weigh myself. Its funny, I was talking to one of my work colleagues who also Zwifts about AdZ and how because Im heavier (125kg / 276lbs) I would never be a sub 60m AdZ rider (I reckon Im looking at sub 2 hours, if lucky), Ive never once considered weight doping, sure I know I could but why would I? Last week I did the prl full and Uber pretzel and tried to get #1 by weight on those segments. In fact, the only riders at or below my w/kg were minutes off the back. Zwift is great just to ride around and it has lots of good training sessions which you can do. Heres an idea: Take weigh out of the equation. It's harder than real racing. We would like to thank the community for your passion and feedback. But the vast majority do not. Theres also fitnesssyncer.com that is free up to 4 sync services. Connecting to ZwiftPower Before you can start using ZwiftPower, you'll need to create an account. I once made myself much heavier so I could compete against my 11-year-old son in a head to head Zwift climbing race. I have tended to notice that a significant number of powerful zwifters real world Strava performances pale in comparison to their online achievements. (Its not the only part, of course! Zwift power usually looks at numbers vs the category race he entered. Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). My 3.9w/kg (a new PR!) People still rode at B level pace in a C group. (Example: if your FTP is 300 watts and you weigh 75kg, your FTP w/kg would be 300/75, or 4 w/kg.). Yes, smaller riders have less frontal area, but the difference in CdA isnt that much. So am I a super-drafter, the king of indoor efficiency? You will receive a verification email shortly. Youll move a little slower with the added virtual weight, but youll be able to hang with the front of the Cs instead of getting shelled off the back of the Bs. Here it is in its entirety: Last week we outlined a number of planned changes to address harassment and further safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Zwift Community. Now you'll have to head over to ZwiftPower.com and register there. If you set your weight high enough that you fail to do well you will drop in the categories. Im curious to see this summer if I can do the numbers outdoors as I push out on Zwift but I cant even think of a road to use for 30 mins without stop signs, pot holes, lots of traffic, etc. this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys . Too light and watts go down as does watts per kilo. All the emphasis on physical metrics makes sense for putting together how speed is calculated but not how one can race. ZwiftPower FAQ We're sure you have several questions about ZwiftPower and what it is. The default position is midway between "Off" and "Max," or 50 percent of the grade resistance you'd find while riding the same grade of hill in the real world. I argue that he is intentionally misrepresenting his weight so he can place higher in B instead of getting shelled in A (like I do). With racer categories? 8 months ago I was 96kg, but didntRead more , As a light (58kg) rider racing in the Bs it is very frustrating on flat routes where since the main thing that matters is raw watts and not w/kg I would have to put out well over 4 w/kg to keep up with the heavier guys and therefore I pretty much always get dropped before too long. indispensabile essere sinceri nel dichiarare il proprio peso , per se stessi e per il rispetto degli altri . Similar to the announcement of the European Super League in soccer, Zwift failed to read the room. I have wondered about this subject on a few occasions. Since we know that lighter weight=higher virtual speed, this is a very easy way to cheat the system on Zwift. I agree with your idea. Too heavy watts are up but watts per kilo goes down. Last week we announced Zwifts plans to remove rider height and weight from ZwiftPower, among other changes (read the full post here). Goodness. That a cat rider may win a d race but on zwiftpower they will be DQd for not riding an A race. The 33-pound Hub is 14 pounds lighter than the 47-pound Wahoo Kickr, even though the two trainers are almost exactly the same size. ThatRead more . Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. Joining ZwiftPower isn't the most straightforward series of steps, but we've broken it down so you can get started as soon as possible. Id be super interested in the timing you set your weight. Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. No race Chester worth their salt pops in and changed weight ahead of a race, what they do is post the wrong weight and leave it there. As such, we have agreed to pause this change while we develop tools that deliver greater transparency to Zwift racing while promoting wellness. You do you. If thats not something that needs fixing then why run any races? How do I get started on Zwift? otherwise no way in hell hes beating you. But I get beaten by lots of other zwifters, even on flat courses. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. Or weight bonuses for completing events that last for a set amount of days or even hours. Why can we just all race together and the fastest person wins? As soon as there is a single bit of flat cheerio! If you gave the power, it will come out. Weight doping is only a serious issue when its done in competition. Ugh! Some weight dopers are obvious and blatant other times its much less egregious. Hopefully when it comes time to hide height and weight from public view on ZwiftPower, Zwift will have some really useful tools in place which help race organizers do their jobs more quickly and effectively, while promoting wellness in the racing community. They do? Many riders is talking about cheating, when someone enters a lower category but it's not, in my opinion. Zwift now allows for hiding Zwift automatically connects If you don't own power meter pedals, Zwift's non-contract pricing for a Zwift cycling membership is $15 . Great article, Eric. Even at my age I still plan to compete in MTB races when the world gets back to racing. But It doesnt mean that that person is going to be the person riding the bike on the trainer during the race does it. I love reading it. MyRead more . Monthly weigh ins arent perfect but they are better than no weigh ins. I rode outside last night, and Im sure I will again soon. If its a big hill, well then w/kg has us equalised. I completely agree with the last paragraph here. I wont do and will rather try my very best to compete with the As. Im a heavy rider at 102kgs and 193cm tall I once reverse doped my weight at the top of the radio tower to try and achieve the 100km/HR badge It had the opposite effect in that I was actually slower than when descending at my actual weight lol I dont race other than against myself so Ive never weight doped as such My observations recently however have created an awareness of how many stick insects ride bikes on zwift . My HR numbers are almost identical to yours. Level 50. Manually change your weight in Zwift by adding 10 pounds. On the flats and descents she crushes her w/kg field. In some cases this even happens unfairly. Take one of our four FTP tests to determine your FTP. Head to http://my.zwift.com/ and hover your mouse cursor over the 'Download' button under one of your activities. For example the threshold for cat B is FTP over 200 watts and over 3.2 w/kg. Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). USA Cycling has categories that are based on experience and performance.
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