Favoured Slytherins. his arm. He was mean Harry because he looked like James and because "he was the reason that Lily met her maker that fateful night.". Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman (21 February 1946 - 14 January 2016) was an English actor who portrayed Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films. That Harry survived Avada Kedavra twice is an anomaly, not a reflection on Snape's wilingness to allow Harry to die. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape. second time, aiming for the figure ahead illuminated in the dancing Severus Snape is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. [21] Snape himself confirms the rumour in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It is while attending the Duelling Club that Harry learns the Expelliarmus spell, which plays a significant role in later books, by seeing Snape use it. Erroneously believing Snape is the master of the Elder Wand and that Snape's death will make him the master of the Wand, Voldemort kills Snape by having his pet snake Nagini bite him through the neck. His temper, however, is sometimes short where Harry is concerned and positively flares when dealing with his erstwhile tormentor Sirius, or when accused of cowardice. Snape was a duelist and a good one - look at him parrying all Harry's spells without breaking a sweat: Cruc But Snape parried the curse, knocking Harry backward off his This doesn't say whether his soul is fully intact, however. He was a halfblood, had parental issues and was thoroughly bullied by James and Sirius at Hogwarts. [82][83] In the Harry Bladder sketches in All That, Snape appears as Professor Chafe (portrayed by Jeremy Rowley), whose legs were badly chafed, causing him to be unnecessarily mean. [48] "He knew very early on that he'd been in love with Lily," said Rowling. Voldemort killed Charity Burbage in the final book because she portrayed Muggles in a positive light while teaching at Hogwarts. Alan Rickman was born on 21 February 1946 in London to a working class family, the son of Margaret Doreen Rose (ne Bartlett; b. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. In some jurisdictions, it most certainly does. Im not here to teach you how to do it. Rowling's mother, who had multiple sclerosis, died in 1990, after which Rowling. Severus Snape is one of the most divisive characters in the entire "Harry Potter" series. This is a pretty clear evidence that his soul WAS (by Snape) considered in danger of being ripped apart from the murder, and therefore was a thing that he did not yet experience, else he would not be worried. Advanced Potion-Making is a Potions textbook used by Hogwarts for N.E.W.T level Potions classes and authored by . [30] He is seen prior to the start of school at Number 12, Grimmauld Place giving reports to the Order of the Phoenix. As we find out, he also works as a double agent for Dumbledore against Lord Voldemort. [41], After Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape's loyalty was a matter of intense debate among the fans. $600 million: The phenomenon . Half Blood Prince - 28: Flight of the Prince. Snape was willing to give Harry information via the Pensieve that should have directly led to Harry's death. Deathly Hallows - pages 543-544 - Bloomsbury - chapter 33, The Prince's Tale The movie was released on July the 7th, 2009, in London and grossed over $900 million at the box office in the first year of release. He was a quivering lump of flesh, no more a man, and he no longer cared. He sees the memory of Snape being bullied by James and Sirius, and of calling Harry's mother Lily a Mudblood (a highly offensive term). [52], Rickman's performance as Snape was widely acclaimed by critics, fans and Rowling herself. if snape has killed anyone before then what was he worried about his soul for. In this vision, Harry learns that Snape befriended Lily as a child when they lived near each other. [62] Snape is shown using this spell as a teenager against Harry's father James[26] and in the aerial battle in the last novel when he accidentally hits George Weasley (acting as a Potter decoy) with it while actually aiming for a Death Eater who was trying to attack Lupin, permanently severing George's right ear. From these memories, Harry sees Snape's childhood and learns his true loyalties. As a fan of the Harry Potter movies, I feel inclined to say that there are a lot of characters that deserve the spotlight on them for their amazing moments and big . As the series progresses, it is revealed that his treatment of Harry stems from Snape's bitter rivalry with James when they were in school together. Snape easily blocks Harry's spells and jeeringly points out Harry's mistakes, but never strikes back. Harry had a close call during his first Quidditch match when his Nimbus Two Thousand started a strange impromptu dance trying to knock him off. [70] She claimed that Snape is the only protagonist who genuinely has a choice to make and who struggles to do the right thing, hence the only one to face a "compelling inner crisis". In. Even with his efforts to protect her, Snape felt responsible for Lily's death at Voldemort's hands. [34], At the start-of-term feast at Hogwarts, Dumbledore announces Snape as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. [15] However, she hinted numerous times at Snape's important role, suggesting that people should "keep their eye on Snape". The Dementors in Harry Potter are based on J.K. Rowling's struggle with depression after her mother's death. [9][10][11] Rowling based Snape's given name on "Severus Road" in Clapham,[12] and his surname is borrowed from the name of a village in England. firelight, but Snape blocked the spell again. Then after Voldemort came back in book 4, Snape would have been a Death Eater again for around 3 years. Warner Bros. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. She's still continuing her performances, such as with her roles in Nanny McPhee and MIB: International. In any case, even after Quirrell's true role is revealed, Harry retains feelings of suspicion and resentment towards Snape, and their relationship remains tense. [22] Snape is a sinister and malicious teacher who makes frequent snide and disparaging remarks at Harry's expense. The two trade frequent snide remarks and at one point almost begin a duel. It was a war with many casualties, and sneering. When Chamber of Secrets had entered cinemas, Rowling only had four of the seven novels published, so fans werent aware that Snape was going to become much more than an antagonist to Harry (played by Daniel Radcliffe), Ronald Weasley (Rupert Grint), and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). But when Scorpius shows that he knows of Snape having been in love with Lily, Harry's mother Snape's most closely guarded secret Snape becomes convinced that he does indeed come from a different timeline where Harry and his friends won. Since the events of the Harry Potter series take place between 1991 and 1998, Snape was in his early to mid 30s during that time. The rule of felony murder is a legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder in two ways. Avada Kedavras a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt Id get so much as a [26] Only in the final book is it revealed that, prior to this confrontation, Snape and Lily had been close friends. Rowling was less forthcoming about Snape than she was for other characters, because his true loyalties and motivations were not revealed until the final book. and slid down it to sprawl on the floor. Daniel Radcliffe, who portrays Harry Potter in the movie series, expressed his delight, saying he was pleased to see that his theory that Snape would end up being a sort of tragic hero came through. Apparently, he wanted to be challenged, and if producers werent going to bring along a change to his role, he would have ultimately left the franchise. In an interview with Empire, however, Rickman shared that Rowling had come forward and had a chat with him on what she planned to include in Snapes story further down the line by dropping a small clue, which were convincing enough to keep him on board and not quit the franchise. She is the daughter of Severus Snape and Lily Evans, who later . Malfoy and some of the other Snape serves as the potions professor for most of the series and later teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts. Snape probably participated in fights and most likely had a few victims under his belt. As the series progresses, Snape's character becomes more layered and enigmatic. [42] Voldemort summons Snape to the Shrieking Shack. In the final chapter, Dumbledore suggests that because Harry's father James had saved Snape's life when they were both students, even though the two detested each other, Snape felt responsible for Harry in return. However, Snape demanded of Dumbledore that his love for Lily (his reason for switching sides) be kept a secret, especially from Harry, because of the deep animosity he felt towards Harry's father and his mixed feelings towards Harry (who reminded him of both his love for Lily Potter and her death, and his animosity towards James Potter). [8] Joyce Millman suggests in her essay "To Sir with Love" in the book Mapping the World of Harry Potter, that Snape is derived from a tradition of Byronic heroes such as Wuthering Heights' Heathcliff. [40] (Towards the end of the book, Harry learns that this was Snape's Patronus, taking the same shape as Harry's mother Lily's Patronus, a visible sign of his lifelong love for Harry's mother, and that Dumbledore had asked Snape to ensure that Harry gained possession of the sword. Practice was necessary. Throughout most of the series, I did believe Snape was a good guy. [47] He had conversations with Rowling about his character and is one of the few Harry Potter actors that she spoke to prior to the completion of the book series about the future direction of the character. The 2009 Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince was one of the Harry Potter movie series seasons. [41] Towards the end of the last novel, Harry draws parallels between his childhood, Snape's, and Voldemort's. Hogwarts' infamous potions professor Severus Snape is 31 years old in the books but had an age difference of nearly 20 years from his eventual actor Alan Rickman. He is an exceptionally skilled wizard whose extremely cold and resentful exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort lured Harry to the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic so that Harry could retrieve a prophecy. Snape is named Headmaster of Hogwarts, while Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow are appointed as Hogwarts staff. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? In the course of the book, Harry and his friends find out that a few students attempted to steal the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, and that Snape subsequently sent it to be stored at Gringotts Wizarding Bank; however, that sword was only a copy. [19] Rowling said "the series is built around [the Dumbledore and Snape storylines]", and maintained that she always knew what Snape would turn out to be at the end and that she carefully plotted his storyline throughout the series. They can die, as long as you have what you want? In an interview, Rowling mentioned that at this point in the series, the HarrySnape relationship has become "as personal, if not more so, than HarryVoldemort. Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. [4][16] In 1999, answering a question regarding Snape's love life and the redemptive pattern to his character, Rowling expressed her surprise at the foresight. Domestic box office: $296.13 million. According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts. trapped Fang. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? They have lost part of their hearts. Rickman was 69 at the time of his passing. Gravely weakened by the horcrux's protective potion, Dumbledore tells Harry he must fetch Snape, but before Harry can leave, Draco suddenly arrives, intending to carry out Voldemort's order to assassinate Dumbledore, closely followed by other Death Eaters (followers of Voldemort), and Snape. "[45], Severus Snape appears in all eight Harry Potter films,[46] portrayed by British actor Alan Rickman. Why did they change the Headmaster in Harry Potter? "[60] Despite being less than kind, the character quickly gained popularity within fandom to a level that surprised Rowling herself. Acc to Dumbledore remorse can heal a ripped apart soul, so maybe Snape was worried about his patched-up soul ripped apart again. The instincts of a spy warned him that something was not right. But that doesnt matter. My thoughts are with Rima and the rest of Alan's family. You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment? There are two possible scenarios (in which Snape is still on the dark side) where everything can go wrong: It was all a ruse. Snape, who had not realised until too late that Voldemort had interpreted the prophecy to be referring to Lily and her family (as it could've also referred to Frank and Alice Longbottom and their son Neville Longbottom), asked Voldemort to spare Lily. From the first movie (where he tries to neutralise Quirrell's spell during the Quidditch game) to the agonised conversation he has with Dumbledore about Potter's fate confirm this. Throughout most of the series, I did believe Snape was a good guy. Although for most of the series Harry looks to him as a beacon of solidity and safety, the events of the story are told from Harry's perspective, making him an unreliable narrator. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! [23] As the final book reveals, this is not the full story. No one really mingled with anyone outside houses, but Lily and Severus did. Your Over the years he did whatever he could to try to make up for his past as a Death Eater, and he followed Dumbledore - for the most part - without question. And does not address the sole legitimate criticism of that answer either. was one of the questions in Scholastic Inc.'s seven-question series, part of its marketing campaign for the book. He quickly becomes the primary antagonist of the book, as Harry suspects him of plotting to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and of attempting to kill him. Although Snape was reluctant, even asking about the impact of such an action on his own soul, Dumbledore implied that this kind of coup de grce would not damage a human's soul in the same way murder would. The Wolfsbane Potion was an innovative and complex potion that relieved, but did not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy, or werewolfry. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, "Harry's Final Fantasy: Last Time's the Charm", "Web Chat with J.K. Rowling 30 July 2007 on Bloomsbury.com", "Barnes and Noble and Yahoo! Harry finds marginalia, including a variety of hexes and jinxes seemingly invented by an unknown student, and substantial improvements to the book's standard potion-making instructions. As crazy as it sounds, Rickman was ready to move on from the Harry Potter franchise after wrapping up production for the second movie in 2002. A/N: I do not own any of the characters in this fanfiction except for the original character that I have named Savannah Snape. "" Onetwothree Both of them swung their wands above their Snape's memories then reveal that Dumbledore had impetuously tried to use the Gaunt ring, which had been cursed by Voldemort, and had been suffering from a powerful curse. .OLD Sorting Hat (old Pottermore) Books Personality House Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Harry Potter Hat Slytherin Sorting. "PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part two. In an interview, Rowling adds that Snape is immensely brave,[20] and when asked if she considers Snape a hero, replied: "Yes, I do; though a very flawed hero. Snape spent his early childhood living with his parents in a small house in Spinner's End. A personally-annotated copy of Advanced Potion-Making belonged to Severus Snape while he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Snape delivered the partial prophecy to Voldemort in 1980, anxious to curry favor. "Murder" and "homicide" are technical terms which simply mean one human being causes the death of another. This was the proper way to pay him tribute in forgiveness and gratitude. [44] In a separate interview, Rowling discussed Snape's back story, saying she had planned it ever since she wrote the first book because the whole series is built around it and she considers him one of the most important characters of the seventh book. "[3], The adult Snape, on the other hand, is portrayed as very self-assured and confident of his abilities, to a degree that Rickman described as "full of himself. It is later revealed that Snape had in fact supplied Umbridge with fake Veritaserum on the prior attempt. There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted We know that he was a Death Eater for around 3 years before Voldemort fell; Lily and James died at 21 and they were the same age as Snape, so it would have been 3 years since they left Hogwarts. Professor Snape Character Analysis. [79] Snape has also been parodied in UK television. ", "Director 'denies' Potter audience just a little", "Scholastic asks "Is Snape Good or Evil? Snape seemed to shrink a little. [2] Actor Alan Rickman portrayed Snape in all eight Harry Potter films, released between 2001 and 2011. An anti-hero, perhaps. Snape's family was a poor one and he is described as wearing ill-fitting clothes "that were so mis-matched that it looked deliberate". WIKIPEDIA: FELONY MURDER. Entertainment Weekly listed Rickman as one of the most popular movie stars in 2007 for his performance as Snape, saying: "As the icy, humourless magic instructor Severus Snape, Rickman may not be on screen longbut he owns every minute. My longer answer follows. Was Snape romantically attracted to Mulciber? Snape's behaviour and attitude towards Harry also remain unchanged. Snape hated Harry's father but loved his mother, and because of Lily, he didn't want Harry to die. @phantom42 I'm asking if he ever did. She defended him when no one else would, and after her death, Snape felt indebted to her memory. The sixth novel, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, departs from that model. According to the series, James bullied Snape during their time together at Hogwarts. I believe it is impossible to discount Snape's killing of Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince. Skilful in the arts of Legilimency and especially Occlumency, Snape is able to both access the minds of others and protect his own thoughtsindeed, though Snape does not care for the term himself, Harry forms the uncomfortable impression early in the series that the Potions Master is able to "read minds." ", The final revelation of Snape's loyalty in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was viewed positively by fans and critics alike. He was a magnificent actor & a wonderful man, Rowling shared in a tweet following Rickmans death. At first Snape is suspicious of him, since this timeline's version of Scorpius is a bully and a Voldemort stalwart. Harry Potter is a film series based on the eponymous novels by J. K. Rowling.The series is produced and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures and consists of eight fantasy films, beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011). [34] According to Rowling, Snape is the only Death Eater capable of producing a full Patronus, which, like Lily's, is a doe. The first movie came out in 2001, while the last book, where the true nature of Snape's character is revealed, didn't end up on store shelves until 2007. "He needed to understand [] where this bitterness towards this boy who's the living example of her preference for another man came from. Later in the book, Dumbledore has Snape teach Harry Occlumency, the protection of the mind from outside intrusion or influence.
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