Cantal Asia? [4][6] According to legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, later analysis showed that a total of 18 countiesaccounting for a quarter of all votes cast in Floridadid not carry out the legally mandated machine recount, but "No one from the Gore campaign ever challenged this view" that the machine recount had been completed.[7]. The standards that were chosen for the NORC study ranged from a "most restrictive" standard (accepts only so-called perfect ballots that machines somehow missed and did not count, or ballots with unambiguous expressions of voter intent) to a "most inclusive" standard (applies a uniform standard of "dimple or better" on punch marks and "all affirmative marks" on optical scan ballots). A problem that occurred in Florida during the 2000 election was very minute difference in votes that state statute necessitated a repeat. On November 11, it joined a group of Florida voters in suing in federal district court for a preemptive injunction to stop all manual recounting of votes in Florida. the same name, a blank space or a historical or fictional name (1): the same name, a blank space or an uncertified person's name, the same name, a blank space, a historical or fictional name or an uncertified person's name. [22] At the same time that the Bush campaign was contesting hand recounts in Democratic counties, it accepted hand recounts in Republican counties that gained them 185 votes, including where Republican Party workers had been permitted to correct errors on thousands of applications for absentee ballots for Republicans. As more votes were tallied, Gore narrowed Bushs lead to less than 2,000 votes, which pushed for an automatic recount in the state as the margin was so tight. The NORC adjusted its analysis for the Orange County results and a few minor differences by increasing the starting baseline vote total by 535 votes. Nine counties (Alachua, Columbia, DeSoto, Glades, Lake, Sarasota, Seminole, Sumter and Wakulla) reported that it was their intent to count reclaimable overvotes under the Florida Supreme Court order. The outcome of the 2000 United States presidential election was not known for more than a month after balloting because of the extended process of counting and recounting Florida's presidential ballots. Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, phoned Fox News to insist that Florida was still in play. The NORC study (see below) did not address either of the concerns about overseas absentee ballots and Nassau County's certification change, as their effects were already included in the baseline totals. The voting is supposed to proceed night and day until a winner is clear. On the evening of election dayNovember 7, 2000a clear winner of the presidential election had yet to emerge. Including overvotes in the above totals for undervotes gives different margins of victory: The overvotes with write-in names were also noted by Florida State University public policy professor and elections observer, Lance deHaven-Smith, in his interview with Research in Review at Florida State University:[85]. Positive sign indicates number of votes that decision caused to be included (or put back) in state certified total. Could Florida have decided not to send its electors to the Electoral College if it did not have time to ensure the election was properly counted? The Constitution has it structured the way it is, and they did it that way. do not count any votes for the marked candidate (4): Counties that count votes for the marked candidate if the write-in is. An earlier study by a different media consortium reached similar conclusions. The 2000 election resulted in numerous court battles over contested ballots and recounts. Direct link to SirenaWoodall's post It would of taken too muc, Posted 6 years ago. Gore, however, won the popular vote over Bush by some 500,000 votesthe first inversion of the electoral and popular vote since 1888. The presidential election that took place on November 7, 2000, was so close that no one knew for more than a month who had won the election of 2000: Texas Governor George W. Bush (R), or Vice President Al Gore (D). If Gore had won the recount, then he would have won the election with a total of 292 electoral votes, and Bush would have lost with 246 electoral votes. Have Any U.S. Presidents Decided Not to Run For a Second Term? As the Electoral College vote took shape on election night, with the results piling up from around the country, it was clear the vote in Florida was going to determine not only the winner of that state's 25 electoral votes but the next occupant of the Oval Office. Florida statutes also required that all counties certify and report their returns, including any recounts, by 5:00p.m. on November 14. In this constitutional system, the "will of the people" is an irrelevant abstraction. On election day, Gore won the popular vote by over half a million votes. Bush v. Gore has been regarded as one of the most politically consequential decisions in the history of the court, and one that damaged the court's preferred image of itself as an institution far removed from everyday partisan politics. AP: A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore, but. The court ruled 54 on the remedy of the matter, with the majority holding that the Florida Supreme Courts decision had created new election lawa right reserved for the state legislatureand that no recount could be held in time to satisfy a federal deadline for the selection of state electors. Florida Attorney General Robert Butterworth in his advisory opinion to county canvassing boards wrote:[60]. Nonetheless, Republicans put significant advertising resources into the state, and later polls indicated that the state was very much in play as late as September 2000. Once the closeness of the election in Florida was clear, both the Bush and Gore campaigns organized themselves for the ensuing legal process. So this week we begin again the arduous process of deciding how to count, and recount, Florida. On the Bush side they were led by James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state who had run successful presidential campaigns for Ronald Reagan and the nominee's father, George H. W. Bush. After a rapid-fire of legal efforts from both parties -- similar to litigation efforts by Trumps campaign -- the Florida Supreme Court officially requested a recount of votes in Floridas 67 counties, which Bush then appealed. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Floridas highest court. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). "But," it said, "Gore could not have won without a hand count of overvote ballots, something that he did not request.". Also uncounted were many absentee, military and provisional ballots. Could 2020 Be the Same. [36], The project's goal was to determine the reliability and accuracy of the systems used in the voting process, including how different systems correlated with voter mistakes. I don't understand why the Supreme Court couldn't have just let it proceed? Bushs announcement came as roughly 15 percent more votes needed to be counted -- and they were from predominantly blue counties. Judge Robert Rosenberg of the Broward County Canvassing Board uses a magnifying glass to examine a dimpled chad on a punch card ballot on November 24, 2000 during a vote recount in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Want to feel old? United States presidential election of 2000, American presidential election held on Nov. 7, 2000, in which Republican George W. Bush narrowly lost the popular vote to Democrat Al Gore but defeated Gore in the electoral college. Disputes erupted over the accuracy and reliability of election technology in the state, with confusion over butterfly ballots (ballots that have names on both sides), punch card voting machines, and hanging chads (punch card ballots that were only partially punched). Florida voting irregularities United. "The states highest officials responsible for ensuring efficiency, uniformity, and fairness in the election failed to fulfill their responsibilities. Two-coder general agreement for punch-card counties. Negative sign indicates number of votes that decision caused to be excluded from state certified total. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). With only two hours remaining until the December 12 deadline, the Supreme Court's order effectively ended the recount. Although their conclusions were similar, the Miami Herald study and the later and larger study came up with different numbers, evidence of the uncertainties involved. Bush led Gore in Florida by 1784 votes. About 10 p.m. EST on December 12, the United States Supreme Court handed down its ruling. Overall, the results were justtoo close to callon election night. About 19,000 ballots were spoiled because of overvotes (two votes in the same race), compared to 3000 in 1996. Unlike the much-discussed Palm Beach County butterfly ballot, the Duval County ballot spread choices for president over two non-facing pages. It would surely be accepted by the reviewing authority, which was the U.S. Senate, where Republicans were in control. [15], On December 13, Gore conceded the election to Bush in a nationally televised address. Bush also probably would have won had the state conducted the limited recount of only four heavily Democratic counties that Al Gore asked for, the study found. George W.. They lost in the state's circuit court, but that decision was reversed by the Florida Supreme Court. It was in line with a letter sent out by Harris stating that if a postmark was not present on an overseas ballot, it had to be thrown out. Expert Answers. They argue that American democracy is a far stricter, Lockean, Anglo-American system based on the letter of the law and a successful vote cast by a rational, responsible voter. After calling the race, the networks began getting phone calls from Republicans. Direct link to famousguy786's post The answer to your questi, Posted 7 years ago. Orange County then performed a hand segregation and determined that these votes numbered 184 for Bush, 249 for Gore and 79 for other candidates. The Florida Supreme Court ordered only a recount of so-called "undervotes," about 62,000 ballots where voting machines didnt detect any vote for a presidential candidate. Canvassing boards of Alachua, Bay, Bradford, Charlotte, Columbia, Escambia, Franklin, Gulf, Hendry, Hernando, Holmes, Lake, Manatee, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, St. Johns and Washington Counties, Election day decisions by 17 Optiscan counties not to "manually review overvotes that couldn't be properly read by machine", Canvassing boards of Alachua, Bay, Charlotte, Citrus, Columbia, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Holmes, Jackson, Lake, Leon, Manatee, Monroe, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, St. Johns, Suwanee and Washington Counties, Election day decisions by 19 Optiscan counties not to "manually review undervotes that couldn't be read by counting machines", Canvassing boards of Collier, DeSoto, Dixie, Duval, Glades, Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Indian River, Jefferson, Lee, Madison, Marion, Miami-Dade, Nassau, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Sarasota, Sumter and Wakulla Counties, Election day decisions by 21 punch-card counties not to "attempt to determine voter intent on undervotes that couldn't be read by counting machines", The above 21 boards plus Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, Election day decisions by 22 punch-card counties not to "attempt to determine voter intent on overvotes that couldn't be properly read by machine", Decision not to review dimpled ballots with clear indications of intent, Decision to change county's certified vote from the mechanical recount total back to the election night vote total, Decision not to include Palm Beach County's vote recount results (all but 53 precincts) submitted before certification deadline, Decision not to include Miami-Dade County's vote recount results (139 precincts) accomplished before certification deadline. The four in the minority had been nominated by three presidents: Republicans Gerald R. Ford and George H.W. The results were 49% for Gore and 40% for Bush, with 11% uncertain or not wishing to respond.[86]. Trained investigators examined 175,010 ballots provided by local election officials. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. In the Election of 2000, Florida was (5 points) Select one: a. first to submit state election results b. a swing state with challenged votes c. overwhelmingly in support of Bush d. overwhelmingly in support of Gore 2 See answers Advertisement HistoryGuy Dispute over the butterfly ballot The final decision was based on just a few hundred votes in Florida. In the Election of 2008, Florida had 27 electoral votes. Thus the project included a sample within less than 1% of the expected total of votes.[78]. Cunningham estimated the number of Buchanan supporters in Palm Beach County to be between 400 and 500.
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