Took time to reset the franchise. So her appearances ended up not being 100% awful. I would expect more from the Star Trek crowd, which is usually quite enlightened. Mary Wiseman is sending the message that your body is your own, your responsibility, and nobody elses business, not any sort of health and fitness message. She is full of self doubt, guilt, and anxiety, yet she doesnt quit. Right? I love Tilly. Thats a crumpet I want to butter. [laughter], David Ajala as Book and Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael in episode 401 Kobayashi Maru. With Discovery now firmly planted in the distant future, Paradise notes the importance of ensuring that that show remains connected to the larger Star Trek universe through well-placed references . I dont think Tilly is ruined. For more info or tickets visit the Lincoln Center Theater site. And more importantly, were back to exploring both the prime universe and 24th century again we havent done since Voyagers final season, which was 20 years ago this year! I guess making Tilly first officer isnt anywhere close to ridiculous as making KT Kirk a Captain who was still a cadet and had probably spent 2 weeks in space before he got the jobbut its pretty damn close. Should the nice girl get off your lawn? Mary's fans are curious to know if she is indeed expecting a little one but the rumors are false. At New York Comic Con, TrekMovie participated in some group interviews with members of the cast and crew, one of which was with the pair-up of Mary Wiseman (Tilly) and David Ajala (Book). What accent? Even though she's still in the final season of Starfleet Aacademy studies She was assigned to the USS Discovery to get some practical experience. The last novel just came out last year (where does she find the time lol). But my point was that she rarely conveyed anything useful or something that was not already obvious to all. Overweight is a risk of becoming obese. Everybody does NOT love Tilly. With predictive spelling and multiple languages available, incorrect word choice is a constant threat even when one does type in the correct word. Nah Book is Boba Fett and I want to see the spin-off series THE BOOK OF BOOK :-). Overweight and obesity are not a matter of looks or body shape, and those who feel free to body-shame are off-side and frequently unkind. Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. I have considered it and rejected it. I saw someone just last month asking on a Facebook fanpage if Starfleet had some kind of physical fitness standard and if so, shes violating it, ect.the same old idiotic abusive misogyny disguised as genuine concern. Do I want to be Barclay or Harry Kim? Season 4 sees Sonequa Martin-Green's, Michael Burnham, return with her. As an officer shes supposed to be leader. No one can be expected to sugarcoat reality for you, and your attitude to people who dont is very indicative that you need someone to help you with that. I did, though. If anything is being celebrated, or, at the very least, encouraged, its simple human decency and not judging people by physical attributes alone. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Background information. So when Tilly became a teacher I was like, freaky coincidence but perfect!). Yet, she is. Mary Wiseman is a good actress but even with that, if Star Trek Discovery was shot in 80s or 90s producers would probably force her to go on a diet or even fire her. The entire point of Tillys character is that shes a Starfleet officer that doesnt have to be a supermodel like so many Trek characters before: Troi, Seven, TPol, Jadzia perfect golden cut supermodels. And so she will be part of this universe and this world for many years to come. In every real-life Trekkie community Im a part of, as well as most online, shes loved. Im glad you figured out what works for you, but Im not cool with a Star Trek board in 2021 focusing on an actors weight or appearance, especially when its a man commenting on a womans weight. Its one thing thats definitely been improved upon by the more recent stuff. Other ships having counselors in the TNG era was mentioned. I cant spoil anything into season five, except to say that we love Tilly. But then again Im not a troll. Sad but true, yet we always opt to genuflect in the direction of the elephant. Sick and tired of T and A being the main focus. Exactly. Ive finally had the chance to reply to your comment about Lue Elizondo etc on the other thread. It is one thing to be healthy and quite another to be reed-thin and healthy. Thank you, Trek Movie Staff, for sharing my interview with your readers and providing a link to! Perhaps season four will address Burnham and Tillys unreadiness on more than an emotional level. Keep up the great work ladies! I think theres room for it. She is a real girl. Its a problem in even some least developed countries now. No character like her would ever have graduated Starfleet. David Ajala: Legit, its still very palpable here. I understand the actress is very well-respected and a nice person, but I couldnt stand the Tilly character myself. When all evidence points to her character not being loved or even liked (the actress is fine; shes been poorly handled by the writers (Michelle Paradise). Patrick Kwok-Choon is the only one of the bridge officers that doesnt have another regular acting or producer/director role. When Mary Wisemans Lt. Sylvia Tilly left the USS Discovery for a job at the new Starfleet Academy in the fourth episode of season four, it was promised she would be back. Her character, Sylvia Tilly, has had plenty of opportunities to shine without giving anything away, and Wiseman has risen to the occasion. If Tilly needed to pick up a phaser or be physically active then that means the Discovery is in some serious shit, with it either having been boarded and their entire security personnel neutralised, or with Tilly separated from the ship, most like due to its destruction. The Klingon redesign was much more than a visual reboot and especially the tech aspects dont fit canon (holographic communication, Klingon cloaking, android bridge crew, easy terraforming, state-of-the-art nanotech, Enterprise battle squad). That sucks, but that is just the way it goes. Lwaxana sometimes I dont mind her simply because she puts Picard and Odo on their back feet, but she was very OTT on shows that didnt really have a lot of OTT characters, and there was little reason for her to keep appearing on DS9 beyond reverence towards Majel Barrett. I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is. This is rare case were I actually agree with Lorma. Wiseman would be smart to ignore the haters because their posts are rooted in negativity and hate. Tillys character arc was mishandled once they realized Mary Wiseman was cast (Marys a decade or more older than Tilly). I think people need that kind of thing to heal. This sounds kind of racist. Mary Wiseman: Well what is like the same root of Book but like the polar opposite expression of it? Actually, the production team is not helping either. The only writers they need are people who can polish it up enough so that you cant tell its machine-written. The actors are not slaves to the fans or public opinion. If you read what Mary and Sonequa are saying, they arent promoting any particular body style or fitness choice, just that they are as they are and only they have the right to choose how that should be. While Tilly had big dreams in Star Trek: Discovery season 1, she struggled with feelings of inadequacy and was hindered by a social awkwardness that often left her feeling like an outsider. It has also been speculated that Wiseman may be moving over to the proposed Starfleet Academy show openly discussed by Alex Kurtzman and Paramount+ execs but not yet officially ordered as a series. Neither were annoying. Where did all the good writers go?? [laughs] Everybody loves Tilly. Im not surprised people making mean comments, some people will find whatever they can that they know will upset everyone and say it. WTF this is why Ive been following Star Trek since the original in 1967 when I saw Nichelle Nichols. It is incredibly bad and is a publicly dangerous message to be sending. I hope were able to explore it because theres potential for great levity, but then also really important conversations to be had because when you care about someone you dont want to see them go through pain, and I can see completely how Tilly will be very protective of Michael Burnham. It would definitely be great if Rhys was promoted to first officer. I like seeing her in the series and like knowing that girls who are considered chunky by their teen or tween peers will know they can become something special and respectable, even if they dont have the ideal Hollywood body type. Barclays ticks do get really annoying. I would imagine those who liked Barclay probably include a large portion of those who like Tilly. Learning? So, although he does the occasional guest star role in other shows produced in Canada, he could take on a larger role on Discovery. Agreed. I agree! In season one and early season two, I was finding it credible as a case of someone who had unresolved PTSD and was unmoored from the culture that had encouraged her to supress her trauma. Not sure what her weight has to do with anything. And the only family she has is on that ship. So when very capable people feel un-capable, crazy things happen. Weight gain from thyroid issues, anti depressants, steroids, is a fairly small percent of the population. But my initial annoyed response to DISCO in particular, well, Ive let go of that in the past two years, as life is too short to get all worked-up angry over personal quibbles with a tv show. That promise was fulfilled in last weeks season finale, and Wiseman is talking about her return. Gotta side with Sascha here. I agree with you on principle as far at this being fine on a fictional Star Trek show. She is super meta. I know Gene Rodenberry never wanted Starfleet to be portrayed as a military outfit, but this has gone so far in the opposite direction that its being run like a pre-school participation awards ceremony. Now if it turns out, Burnham was being influenced by an alien entity or she has been given insight into the future which made it imperative that she rush Tilly into becoming the Number One, then I can accept it. In a Paramount+ featurette (which you can see below) about the making of the episode, Wiseman talks about how Tilly has changed: Coming back for the finale was really exciting for me because she comes back in this fully black Starfleet suit. Waste of talent. It felt like an organic exit, and with the way that others said goodbye to her, it . should take a pear of pruning shears and cut off that little pecker of yours (its what Killy would do). I do not endorse body-shaming in any way, as I was bullied as a kid years ago. My only issue with Captain Killy is that she died that wonderful red hair blonde. You are correct, it comes down to the same thing, poor plot development. I agree 100%. She opted that she had a different calling within the world of teaching and, in the end, she decided that she wanted to chase that feeling. She makes it all look so easy. Mary Wiseman claims that she wants to inspire all the curvy women around the world with her Star Trek weight gain story. Sylvia Tilly was an ambitious female Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid- 23rd century. Its her, Adira, Stamets, and Reno who are the really hard science people. Perhaps they had a second or third language that they use regularly. Bullied badly as a child and teen so I know what I speak of; Im just glad I grew up pre-Internet, and I sympathize with any nowadays who have to deal with Internet bullying on top of real world bullying. In fact, it says far more about the body-shamers than it does about those being body-shamed. Someone with a lack of intelligence throws a race card at every debate. Mary Wiseman: We dont have that many scenes together but theres a lot of tension between us just as actors and personalities. If you cant understand that message, then you are very much part of the problem. You mentioned that the rest of world laughs at America because of obesity. Its this kind of nonsense that ruins Discovery. Thanks for the correction and yes that is correct. Definitely a character created for the TikTok generation to like.. high five, hugs and ditziness with lots of over emotional feelings on display. Not liking a character doesnt make a person a troll, so Im not even sure what that nonsensical comment was supposed to mean. I highly doubt the writers decided to just write her off for the hell of it (especially given how much everyone in the cast and crew love her). I would encourage her to do the same. I wasnt complaining there were therapists on board. In large part that is down to getting set in my ways with this franchise, so I have to temper my critiques with that knowledge. Tilly appears twice in the Star Trek: Discovery season 5 trailer. Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back. 71 comments so far. You can absolutely argue that DISCO incorporates too much emotion with their characters (something I agree with to an extent), but I do appreciate how much more real these characters feel compared to past characters (especially in the early seasons of TNG). :P (I know the whole thing of having a *ships* councilor is inherently different from what real therapists do on dry land, but yeah its super weird. I LOVE the future! Good for Mary! And it all happened OFF SCREEN! Shes loved. Actress Mary Wiseman did a series of media . Well second most after Burnam , she was fine in season 1 and 2.past 2 seasons theyve rushed her character developmentsame with michael.the vulcan minded human became human real fast. Tilly is justannoying. is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp. or the Star Trek franchise. During the 1st season, Michael helped Tilly to gain confidence and then continued to nurture that confidence through . She strikes me as no different than Barkley. By: Laurie Ulster No one of my Trekkie friends, growing up with TNG watch this anymore. Too nervous and anxious. STAR TREK and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 2023 CBS Studios Inc./Paramount Pictures Corp. 2006-2023 SciFanatic Network | Legal/Privacy Info, Copyright 2023 | MH Newsdesk by MH Themes, Podcast: All Access Dives Into The Latest Episode Of Picard And Probes Star Treks TV (And Movie) Future, BREAKING: Star Trek: Discovery To Conclude With Season 5, Review: Star Trek: Picard Runs Deep In Seventeen Seconds, Watch Picard And Riker Reverse Their Classic Roles In Star Trek: Picard Episode 303 Clip, J.J. Abrams Talks Compelling Story For Star Trek 4; Chris Pine Expresses Frustration Over Wait. The character. The Enterprise D was the only place we saw a councelor. I have this image in my head of the EPs saying to Mack that theyd like species that havent been main characters in other shows and asking him to give a list of options for a big and strong species, a species without a bianary gender etc. In fact, at least on this website, I often see the contrary. As a Black girl, I felt I was supposed to look this way. It is not OK to be overweight. Rumors started when some problematic fans of Star Trek Discovery found out that she gained a few pounds between the seasons. From what Ive read, having her on the bridge because of her betazed abilities was what Roddenberry had in mind. Its could have (or couldve). Contents 1 Early life 2 Starfleet career 2.1 USS Discovery 2.1.1 The war 2.1.2 Post-war 2.1.3 32nd century 3 Personal relationships 3.1 Friendships Respectfully, to anyone somehow offended by that. And over the last couple of years, so have I. Im still not fond of the gory, violent Klingon business of the first couple of seasons, but I slowly began to see DISCO anew. That promise was. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. But the nu left that this show panders to cant accept any opinion that isnt in agreement with it so they try to immediately invalidate it. Up ahead, we explain what happened to Tilly in the recent episode and also discuss actor Mary Wiseman's status on the show. However, with the successive changes in show runners the coherence of Burnhams development has been lost. What a surprise. Correct me if I am wrong, but did she not have to take a command course at some point? Yes I forgot David Mack is a consultant on this show too and is well aware of all the post-Nemesis stories in the novels. No probably not. The door is open, I suppose, if that show should fail for some reason, but I doubt theyll just throw her back into the same role on the ship like nothing ever happened. Watch as SFX makeup transforms Doug Jones into Saru for Star Trek: Discovery. All Access Star Trek Podcast, Discovery, DS9, Lower Decks, Section 31, Star Trek 4, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Strange New Worlds. Where is this? Star Trek is supposed to be socially progressive but this show went too far. By being visible on your TV screen? She cant control her weight. The show will roll out on Paramount Plus in the US, and is expected to stream on Netflix elsewhere. Btw have you come across any good DS9 books about what happened to Sisko or the rest of the crew after the finale? Also, quite likely theyre pointing her towards a bigger role in their upcoming Academy show, when she does want the work of tv again. And saying they should be sending this message is just another way to try to bully someone into doing what you want, not what that person wants for their self. This is a part of the reason people cant take to them, alongside their poorly written characters. I like Tilly but shes not my favourite character. There are a number of places you can receive professional help and I strongly recommend you seek that help. Weve seen a lot of big men in Star Trek but no big girls. Why is that a command level position? And others opinions dont factor in. Im sorry if the idea of someone not like Discovery upsets you, but its unreasonable to expect people to change their minds for that reason. David Ajala: Ive never thought about that. To me, at least. You had a variety of body shapes on discovery Tilly was thick. She only graduated from SA herself at the end of season 1. However, even if the Academy series moves forward, it likely wouldnt go into production in 2022 or even 2023, leaving plenty of time for Tilly to appear in season five of Discovery. Star Trek: Discovery streams exclusively on CBS All Access in the United States and is distributed concurrently by CBS Studios . The immaturity of body shaming anyone is hateful and unacceptable. There are characters you really cherish and others that are fun but ultimately nothing special. To be clear, my opinion on a show has no bearing on how it helped you at a terrible time in your life. Discovery may have just said goodbye to one of its crew, but don't worry: She'll be back. Like maybe he would be way too codependent or something? Age is affecting my memory haha. Remember , they had steroids and thyroid problems in the 80's, but the majority of people were off normal weight, which today would be called skinny. As soon as she was, they should have rewritten Tilly from being a cadet to being a lieutenant or something. When a show blankets the airwaves with hugs and confessionals and cheering it tends to make any subtler moments stand out far less, but this is also not a subtle show to begin with. Ok, SH didnt invent this. This time, even if I wanted that, my body said: no were going to take some time here, we need to heal. And so, I find myself in this bigger, fuller body and it made me appreciate where I was before. Its so brutal. It doesnt matter either way but with so much Voyager mythology created in those novels, it would be cool to see some of it translated on this show! While not getting specific about if or where we will see Tilly again, Wiseman also hinted the finale was not the end of her story: Tilly is not somebody who lets people leave her life. And with Troi being a betazoid, thats why she was on the bridge. Thats the thought I had last season, when they had the perfect chance to wirte out Burnam (I believe it was Reunification III or the one after that) and they just didnt follow through at the end. There are admittedly quite a few other Starfleet officers Scotty and Riker, for example who prove that being chunky is still a thing in the future. A statistical average does not justify shaming or ridiculing anyone. Because Book is someone who doesnt just have cerebral, intellectual intelligence. Saru would then recognize the potential in her, give her opportunities to build her self esteem and confidence, and wed get a good arc that doesnt seem forced like it does now. The burden is now on SNWThat show can either make or break it with regards to these issues. Wait I havent watched season 4, nor will I ever after the stupidity that was season 3 But now shes a leader at the academy?! I see other people mentioning the books on Reddit and Youtube because of the new show obviously. And we saw the results of all that. I realized that unless I wanted to deal with health issues like hypertension, diabetes and other medical ailments, I would have to eat less and less as I got older and older. Mack is one of the core group of Trek authors going back to shortly before Nemesis. Cant believe some fans complain about character A or B or C. I am sorry, but the obsessive complaining about Sonequa/Michael or Mary/Tilly, for who they are, is so rude. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! Then maybe I would actually remember his name! Internationally, the series is available on Paramount+ in Australia, Latin America and the Nordics, and on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany . Bad writing, illogical story arcs, unbalanced tempo, underdeveloped characters or sudden jumps in character development. My condolences to you, for your mum. Im sorry youve had to experience that and I strongly urge you to take what comfort you can from whatever source you can, regardless of how other people feel about that source. She never wouldve made it through the Academy. That could be it. And doesnt that just make the point about the difference between fitness and apparent chunkiness or curveyness. It means something to me. Her empathic abilities work via viewscreens? Ive learned a lot of bad spelling comes from dictating into your smartphone. I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building. Shes not going anywhere. But its at least nice they came to their senses with that ridiculous story turn (unlike Kirk). DS9 Avatar books 1 and 2 were quite good and helpfully kicked off the DS9 Relaunch sequence. I truly do love this show, but Burnham and Tilly are so damn annoying. Maybe sociological issues? She would have flushed out of SFA in her first year. They seemed to only be limited by what that particular script called for that week. I mean, there could have been but it was never seen or talked about. Has Tilly body-shaming outside of the Twitter imbeciles been a thing? | December 23, 2020 | out of shape for the job shes in and the role she wanted to perform. I found him quite annoying, myself. Given all the trouble the crew got into, Im sure they needed one on the ship. What I should point out though is that Mack earned the moniker Angel of Death among the Litverse fans. They just didnt do much with him. Maybe its just me, but I dont really care about women or mens weight on TV shows, I dont care for negative comments on them by haters, but neither do I care for the actors/actresses making such a whiney big deal about it. Sometimes it worked over amazing distances other times not. Ridiculous or not, it has been well established in Trek canon that starships have counselors/therapists, and they are often used by the crew. Agree. As long as Wesley Crusher exists she will always be in a race for that title. Hey writers room go back to TNG and see how a child became an honourary bridge officer on the Enterprise D. (something equally puzzling to say the least) Picard did it because the Traveller who could traverse space time and see the future and past told Picard it was extremely important to encourage the boy.
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